Clean energy vision and goals

Our Clean Energy Vision

Successful execution of our strategy will enable us to achieve our clean energy initiatives. This includes:

By 2030: 

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions* from our utility operations by 50% from 2005 levels.
  • Reduce our electric utility water supply by 75% from 2005 levels.
  • Electrify 100% of our company-owned light-duty fleet vehicles.

By 2040:

  • Eliminate all coal from our generation fleet.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions* from our utility operations by 80% from 2005 levels.

By 2050:

  • Aspire to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions* from our utility operations.

We will continue to review and update our Sustainable Energy Plan and Clean Energy Vision, based on future economic developments, evolving energy technologies and emerging trends in the communities we serve.

*Measuring performance based on applicable compliance requirements in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule (40 CFR part 98; Subparts C, D, and W) including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O).

Our progress

At Alliant Energy we are implementing our strategic plan to create a more sustainable future for our customers and communities.

100 %
CO2 reduction since 2005
100 %
Water reduction since 2005
0 %
of light-duty fleet vehicles are electric
megawatts of coal generation retired

by 2030 our energy portfolio is expected to be 51% renewable, 36% gas, 7% energy storage, and 6% coal.

Our strategy includes:

Implementing our Clean Energy Blueprint

Sponsoring the Low-Carbon Resources Initiative*

Supporting Energy Impact Partners*

* = external website

This content may contain forward-looking statements.

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