Home energy assessments for Wisconsin customers

An energy assessment by a certified contractor is the best way to identify air leaks and energy waste in your home.

Making sure your home is properly sealed and insulated is the best way to keep your home warm in winter, cool in summer and your energy costs low.

We offer cash back when you work with a contractor to complete air sealing and insulation projects.

On average, we provide customers over $1,000 to offset project costs.

Here's how it works:

  • Contact a contractor certified through our partner Focus on Energy as a Trade Ally.
    View a list of contractors who serve Alliant Energy customers. 
  • The contractor performs the energy assessment and provides project recommendations and estimates.
  • You decide which recommended projects to complete with your contractor.
  • In partnership with Focus on Energy, we give you cash back for completed air-sealing and insulation projects.
What can I expect during my energy assessment?

Your contractor will use special diagnostic equipment including an infrared camera and a blower door test to measure air flow in and out of your house. They may also inspect your HVAC system, test for natural gas leaks and see if your home is properly ventilated. Following the assessment, you will receive a report of the findings and decide which improvements you'd like to make.

Why would a home need more insulation?

Insulation keeps the warm air out when it's hot outside, and keeps it in when it's cold out. Older homes tend to have less insulation than new ones, but even newer homes usually benefit from more thorough insulation.

Why would a home need air gaps sealed?

Even small gaps make controlling your home’s temperature hard because your furnace and air conditioner have to work harder. Sealing leaks helps keep the temperature stable.

For more information visit Focus on Energy or call 1-800-762-7077. To get started, contact a certified contractor today.

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