a man at a desk

Businessman Harlan Satrom

a woman at a desk

Karen Henry, Northeast Iowa Community Action

“Alliant Energy is providing reliable, renewable, and dependable service in Decorah. I’m against an MEU because I don’t have the trust in the city to safely provide the same level of reliability without it costing taxpayers a fortune.”
Marla Klocke

“I run a repair shop in Decorah and small businesses like mine can’t afford a future where the city owns and runs our electric system.”
Dan Bohr

"I’m voting no against municipalization on March 4 because city ownership would cost too much and could break the city. I have solar and I don’t want city power. I want Alliant Energy power."
Tom Little

"I’m voting no against municipalization on March 4 because it costs too much."
Jerry DeLong

“My family owned a grocery store in Decorah starting back in 1953. We never had a power outage in that time that caused any food loss. If there were issues, Alliant Energy was always quick to respond.”
Kent Klocke

"I’m against municipalization in Decorah because reliability isn’t being addressed by the city. The city is not honest about the big picture."
Claire Askelson

"I’m against municipalization in Decorah because a MEU is a want as opposed to a need for Decorah. Decorah needs to focus on improved streets and a city sewer treatment plant to accommodate growth for the city."
Julie Askelson

"I’m against municipalization in Decorah because I’m not sure the city can lower rates and keep the system up to date. I’m also concerned about reliability and the city’s ability to respond to emergencies."
Dave Kratz