Helgerson Flats Industrial Center

Located two miles from four-lane U.S. Highways 63 and 149. Ottumwa has a high-quality workforce where 76% of workers have credentials beyond high school.

Located in Ottumwa, Iowa

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Certified site

Less risk and faster timelines

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Competitively priced

$12,700 per acre

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Development-ready topography
Only 30 feet of elevation 
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Highway access
Close to U.S. Highways 63 and 149
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Access to workforce

Draw workers from an eight-county area for a total pool of nearly 115,000

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Indian Hills Community College
Degree programs in advanced technologies, arts and sciences, health occupations

Site Details

Angle Road and 120th Avenue
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

Available acres: 64
Topography: Flat
Zoning: Heavy industrial
Site certification: Quest Site Solutions
Adjacent available acres: 18
Setting: Agricultural land
Within city limits: No


Sale price: $12,700 per acre


Nearest interstate: Interstate 80 (58 miles)
Nearest four-lane highway: U.S. Highway 149 (1 mile)
Nearest commercial airport: Des Moines International Airport (93 miles)
Rail served: No


Electric: Alliant Energy
– 2.5 MV capacity (new substation under development)
Gas: MidAmerican Energy
– 10,000 MCF/month
– 14 MCF/hour
Sewer distribution: Ottumwa Water & Hydro
– 0.725 MGD capacity
– 0.692 MGD excess capacity
Water distribution: Ottumwa Water & Hydro
– 2.54 MGD capacity
– 1.01 MGD excess capacity
Telecommunications: Local service providers

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Locating in Ottumwa

Ottumwans enjoy a robust public transit system, fiber optic broadband, safe bridges, active rail lines, and connections to both state and national highways such as U.S. 34, U.S. 63, IA 149, and the Des Moines to Burlington Expressway. Ottumwa is also within an hour’s drive from the Avenue of the Saints (St. Louis to St. Paul corridor).

As home to the likes of JBS Pork, Keurig/Dr. Pepper, Plastipak, John Deere, Cargill Corn Milling, Ajinomoto and the Iowa Bioprocessing Center (a 1600 acre, $1.5 billion agricultural complex nearby), the area is an ideal location for growth and prosperity.

Over 30% of Ottumwa’s workforce is employed in production and it is draws workers from an eight-county area. Residents of Ottumwa enjoy an excellent quality of life with 690 acres of park and green space along with over 20 miles of trails.

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