Budget Billing

Pay the same amount each month

With Budget Billing, you pay the same amount each month. Here's how it works:

  • We'll review your energy costs over the last 12 months and determine the average. If you've just moved in, we'll estimate your average.
  • We’ll bill you that amount each month. You'll know in advance how much your payment will be.
  • We'll review your usage every six months. If you used more energy than you paid for, your bill amount will increase. If you used less than you paid for, your bill amount will decrease.

Sign up through My Account. (Click "Billing" and then "Budget Billing.")

sign up in my account

Not enrolled in My Account? Enroll today.

Budget Billing eligibility

If you live in Iowa, Budget Billing is open to residential, rural and small nonresidential customers whose consumption is less than 3,000 kilowatt-hours per month (electric) and/or less than 250 therms per month (gas).

If you live in Wisconsin, Budget Billing is open to residential customers and commercial accounts that provide residential living, such as apartment buildings, unless your bill contains a nonutility charge.

Customers in both states become ineligible for Budget Billing if they:

  • Have a nonutility charge on their bill.
  • Add a new service that does not have 12 months of usage. Depending on the service added, customers may need to wait 12 months to become eligible for Budget Billing again.
  • Miss a payment or make a partial payment on a bill. Participants must pay their budget amount in full every month.

Want even more simplicity?

Pay your bill automatically each month with Automatic Payment. Learn more.

Terms and conditions of participation

Participants must pay their budget amount in full every month or we may remove them from the Budget Billing program. The monthly budget amount is the amount customers should pay each month. We will apply payments in excess of the monthly budget amount to future budget payments due.

We will review monthly budget amounts every six months. We may make adjustments if the calculated new monthly bill payment changes by plus or minus 10%.

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