Scammers impersonating Alliant Energy employees can lead to trouble.

We will never:

  • Ask you to purchase prepaid credit cards to avoid disconnection.
  • Ask for payment or personal information over email.
  • Ask for money when we visit a residence or business.

We will always:

  • Be able to confirm your account address, current bill amount and balance due over the phone.
  • Provide past due notification in writing before service is shut off.

Our vehicles are typically white with the Alliant Energy logo displayed on both sides.

Security lock

Help stop imposters from victimizing others

If you've been approached, please:

1. Call your local police department to report the incident. The police need your help to catch the culprits so they can't victimize others.

2. File a complaint with your state’s consumer protection office.

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Iowa Attorney General

Stop sign

Beware of disconnection threat scams

A scam occurring in our service area and across the country uses the threat of service disconnection to convince customers to purchase prepaid credit cards (or Green Dot cards) and provide that information over the phone. Other scams request payment by email. They sometimes threaten to disconnect service in the next hour or two.

If you receive a call like this, hang up and call us! Alliant Energy’s official phone number is 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268)Some scammers may provide a different phone number that spoofs our answering system. 1-800-ALLIANT is the only number to call.

We will not ask you to purchase prepaid credit cards, and we don’t ask for payment over email. We have several safe and convenient payment options listed at
Computer hacker

On the phone

When our service representatives request payment on a delinquent bill, we ask customers to use secure payment processes. If someone calls about your Alliant Energy bill payment, take out your most recent Alliant Energy bill, and ask the caller to tell you the account number and the amount due. You can also ask the caller to provide the account address, current bill amount and past due balance.

If the caller cannot provide that information, it isn’t us. If you’re not sure who the caller is, hang up and call us at 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268). When you call Alliant Energy, our employees will always be able to provide account information and the exact balance due.  When customers are behind on payment, we provide past due notification in writing before service is shut off for nonpayment.
Shady Phone caller

Fake phone numbers

Scammers commonly use fake phone numbers they claim connect to Alliant Energy. They might call and leave this false number, send it in an email or put it in a fake internet advertisement. If you call the number, they’ll pretend to be Alliant Energy and attempt to get your personal or financial information.

The only number you should call about your Alliant Energy account is 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268).

Report a suspicious internet advertisement on Google.

Report a suspicious internet advertisement on Bing.

man on the phone

In person

Our representatives will never ask a customer for money when they visit a residence.

Alliant Energy employees carry badges with photo identification that includes the employee’s name and the company’s name and logo.

Alliant Energy employees typically drive a white vehicle with the Alliant Energy logo displayed on both sides.

Call us at 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268) if you have questions about the identity of anyone representing Alliant Energy.
holding 500 dollars

Via email and online

Alliant Energy will not ask for payment or personal information via email.

Avoid clicking on links in emails, and instead navigate to known website addresses. It’s also important to keep your browser updated so you have all the latest security features.

Flying envelopes

Solar scams and misinformation

If you are interested in generating your own energy, you might or might not have noticed a rise in misleading solar advertisements or even scams. 

Remember that solar installers operate independently from Alliant Energy and we do not endorse any firm.
More about solar scams and misinformation
Solar panels and a neighborhood

Job scams

Scammers posing as Alliant Energy recruiters are posting jobs on websites and conducting online interviews. Victims of these scams are being asked for personal details, banking information and/or money.

We do advertise our positions on various websites, but Alliant Energy will never ask you to apply for a job anywhere except on our Careers website:
Career Search

Aviso sobre estafas

Queremos que usted este alerta sobre estafas que al parecer estan dirigidas a nuestros clientes que hablan español. Usando la amenaza de desconectar el servicio, los estafadores los convencen a los clientes de compren tarjetas de crédito prepagadas y de que les den informacion. Otras estafas solicitan el pago por correo electrónico. Nosotros no solicitamos pagos de nuestros clientes a través del teléfono ni tampoco pedimos pago por correo electrónico.

Si usted recibe una llamada que parece sospechosa, cuelgue inmediatamente y llamenos. El número de teléfono oficial de Alliant Energy es 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268). Algunos estafadores proveen otro número que imita nuestro sistema de recepción de llamadas. 1-800-ALLIANT es el único número que usted debe usar para contactarnos. Tenemos muchas opciones de pago que son convenientes y seguras. Busque estas opciones en o llamenos.

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