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Choose paperless billing
It’s a simple way to cut down on clutter.
Save paper and save time. Get your statement instantly instead of waiting for it to arrive in the mail. No need to file bills. All your statements are stored online in one convenient digital location.
“I got a copy of my statement immediately. I don’t have to wait for it to be mailed to me.”
Track your energy use
Compare hourly, daily or monthly usage and watch your progress.
By keeping an eye on your energy, you can manage your usage more efficiently and find ways to save.
“When I see our usage rising, I am able to work with my family to adjust our patterns to reduce the amount of electricity we use.”
– Kerry from Leon, Iowa
Get alerts and notifications
Stay in the know about billing, outages and high energy usage.
Always know when an outage occurs or your energy use goes up. Alerts and notifications keep you up to date on your energy use and your bill.
“Gives me a sense of control knowing I have information at my fingertips.”
– William from Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Pay bills online
Check the status of your payment. Pay by credit card or debit card, with no fees. Or set up Automatic Payment.
Pay your bill instantly online or enroll in autopay and never worry about missing a payment. It’s just another way enrolling in My Account makes it easy to manage your energy.
“The bill pay feature makes it easy to set up payment and not have to worry about late payments.”
– Colleen from Ely, Iowa
Need help?
Our how-to guides will walk you through the My Account enrollment process and how to use its many features and functions.