Alliant Energy is committed to protecting the beauty, recreational value and environment of the lands and water around our Prairie du Sac Dam. The safety of visitors and lake residents is our top priority.

Alliant Energy’s Prairie du Sac Dam operates under a license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Under this license, we are required to manage the use of Wisconsin River shoreline property within a specific project boundary and below the elevation of 774.4 feet. Most of Lake Wisconsin’s shoreline lies within the FERC project boundary. We must approve certain projects to manage flood conditions and allow everyone to enjoy the waters upstream from our dam.

Our Shoreline Authorization Program (SAP) monitors and approves vegetation management, shoreline structures and erosion measures within the project boundary.

Approval process

Alliant Energy must approve any new vegetation management, shoreline structures or erosion measures within the project boundary before any work can begin.

  1. View the SAP table.pdf to see if this applies to your structures and facilities. If you cannot determine whether the SAP applies, contact us at 1-800-ALLIANT (255-4268) before you begin any construction projects. We’ll send a surveyor to determine if your property falls within the project boundary at no cost to you.
  2. If it applies, complete and submit the application form..pdf
  3. If we approve your proposed activity, you will receive a letter from us within 60 days so that additional permitting applications can proceed. 
  4. You are responsible for obtaining local, state and/or federal government permits or approvals.
  5. We will provide final authorization only after all applicable permits have been secured.

There are no fees to apply for, receive or maintain approval for structures and facilities.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to some common scenarios and questions can be found on our FAQ page.

Pre-existing structures and facilities

Structures and facilities placed or maintained seasonally on land (above and below water) within the project boundary prior to September 15, 2020 do not need to apply for approval. If the structure or facility requires a permit from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources or any other agency, the landowner must demonstrate that they received either a permit or a permit exemption before the SAP was adopted.

We took aerial imagery of the shoreline in the fall of 2020 to help identify existing features. Improvements that occurred between September 15, 2020 and May 1, 2021 need to be documented but will be considered for pre-existing status.

In most cases, pre-existing structures and facilities may continue to be placed seasonally throughout their useful lives. They must, however, comply with size, location and other requirements under the Wisconsin DNR, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and county zoning regulations. They must not conflict with Alliant Energy’s license obligations. 

Structures and facilities not defined as pre-existing must comply with the SAP. Major modifications, repairs or replacement of pre-existing structures or facilities may require Alliant Energy approval.

If a pre-existing structure or facility is removed, destroyed or damaged by fire, natural disaster or other means, you must go through the SAP approval process for any proposed replacement.

Project boundary map

(Click to download PDF version.)

Have a question?

Please email us at [email protected].

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