We make every effort to provide advance notice, minimize the impact on your property and properly restore any areas that we disturbed.
The process
Before construction
- Survey crews will place colored flags and stakes to mark existing utilities and proposed excavation areas. Please do not remove these flags or stakes.
- Let the contractor know if you have any underground facilities such as an underground dog fence, satellite dish cables, septic systems or privately-installed electric lines. You can provide this information to crews if you see them working in your neighborhood.
- Crews will make every attempt to contact a homeowner to discuss emergency repairs that may disrupt their property and the plan to restore the disturbed area.
- If our crews will be working in your area, you can have your overhead electric service line buried underground. Learn more.
During construction
- Both Alliant Energy crews and contractors work on our electric and natural gas systems.
- If you have questions and are unable to speak with someone on site, please use this online form. We often post signs in work areas or send mailings that include a local number to call as well.
- There will be large trucks and digging equipment in the area. During excavation, we will make every effort to minimize the impact and disturbance.
- To prevent sewer damages, crews may need access to your sewer line before, during or after the installation process. We can typically access it from outside your residence. In some instances, we may need to enter your residence.
After construction
- Electric projects: Once new lines are installed, tested, and carrying electricity, the service to your house may need to be reconnected to the new lines. This may cause a short disruption of service.
- Gas projects: Once new gas lines are installed, tested and carrying gas, the service to your house will need to be connected to the gas main. This will cause a disruption in service. A contractor will knock on your door and provide you with a few options. If you are not available, a door hanger will be left with these options and a contact phone number.
Option 1: A trained employee enters your residence and relights your appliances.
Option 2: You sign an appliance relight release form and perform that task yourself.
- After the project is complete, landscape restoration crews will grade, put in dirt, plant grass seed and clean up.
- Please water the new seed daily to ensure it grows.
- Any straw matting that may have been in place can be carefully removed once the grass is growing.
- If significant landscaping is necessary, we will contact our landscaping contractor to perform the work.
- The timing of restoration work will depend on weather conditions. Fall projects could require the restoration work to occur in the following spring. Postponing the work allows grass and other plantings to grow better.
- We often post signs in work areas or send mailings that include a specific number to call about projects in your neighborhood.
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Paying a non-energy bill
Where do I pay my non-energy bill for installing new gas or electric service?
In My Account. You can use your credit card or bank account.
Where do I find my Alliant Energy account number?
Your account number is located on your estimate. Please see the example below.
What zip code do I use?
Please use the zip code associated with the credit card or bank account you are using to make the payment.
Why don't I see a balance due?
If you are not seeing a balance due, you have received an estimate for the work to be completed. The balance is not applied to your account until all requirements, including payment for your estimate, are met to proceed with construction. Please click OK when prompted to continue. Please enter the total amount due found on your estimate to make your payment.
Why won't the system accept the last four digits of my social security number or my tax identification number?
It is likely you did not provide this during the application process. Please call us at 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268). Provide us the number to pay online or pay while you are on the phone with us.
If I am paying with a credit card, what is the limit I can pay?
- For residential customers, the limit is $4,000 per transaction and/or per month.
- For business customers, the limit is $10,000 per transaction and/or per month.
- If your bill amount is above the limit, please pay with your savings or checking account or call us at 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268)