Brownells Business Park

Easy access for transporting materials throughout the country. Interstate 80 is the south boundary and Highway 146 runs through the middle of the park. The Grinnell Regional Airport is nearby. The Iowa Interstate Rail and the Union Pacific Rail cross in Grinnell.

Located in Grinnell, Iowa


diamond icon 
Certified site

Less risk and faster timelines

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185 acres

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Easy access for transporting
materials throughout the country 

Site Details

Lang Creek Ave and Highway 146
Grinnell, Iowa

Available acres: 185
Topography: Gently slope/rolling
Zoning: Industrial-Light, Agriculture, Commercial
Site certification: Yes
Adjacent available acres: No
Setting: Industrial park
Within city limits: Yes


Sale price: Varies


Nearest interstate: Interstate 80
Nearest four-lane highway: U.S. Highway 46
Nearest commercial airport: Des Moines International Airport (55 Miles)
Rail served: No


Electric: Alliant Energy
Gas: Alliant Energy
– Pressure: 50 psi
Sewer distribution: City of Grinnell
Water distribution: City of Grinnell
– Peak capacity at plant per day: 1.9 million gallons
Telecommunications: Windstream

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