Cherokee South Industrial Park

Access to four-lane U.S. Highway 20 via U.S. Highway 59. The Cherokee Regional Airport is nearby. Main line for the Canadian National Railroad runs adjacent to the property. Possible to extend a rail spur into the site in order to provide rail service.

Located in Cherokee, Iowa


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Certified site

Less risk and faster timelines

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Rail connected

Canadian National Railroad runs adjacent to the property

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Airport access

Cherokee Regional Airport is located very near to the site

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Highway and interstate access
Recent expansion of U.S. Highway 20 into a four-lane highway across Iowa
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Labor market is estimated to be approximately 63,500 workers


Site Details

SW Edge of City, off of Lake Street
Cherokee, Iowa

Available acres: 97.8
Topography: Flat
Zoning: Industrial-Heavy
Site certification: Yes
Adjacent available acres: No
Setting: Industrial park
Within city limits: Yes


Sale price: $25,000 per acre


Nearest interstate: Interstate 29 (77.68 miles)
Nearest four-lane highway: U.S. Highway 20 (18 miles)
Nearest commercial airport: Sioux Gateway Airport (60 miles)
Rail served: Yes


Electric: MidAmerican Energy Company
– Available capacity at the site is 10 MW. Voltage of nearest distribution line is 12.47 kV. Voltage of nearest transmission line is 69 kV.
Gas: Alliant Energy
– Pressure: 50 psi
Sewer distribution: City of Cherokee
– Peak capacity at plant per day: 1.87 million gallons
– BOD lbs per day: 26,000
– TSS lbs per day: 12,000
Water distribution: City of Cherokee
– Peak capacity at plant per day: 2.5 million gallons
Telecommunications: C-M-L Telephone

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Site map.pdf

Locating in Cherokee

Cherokee is centrally located in the northwest quadrant of Iowa and is the county seat for Cherokee County. The Cherokee County labor market is estimated to be approximately 63,500 workers with manufacturing being the largest private industry sector with 9,750 workers.

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