Milton, Wisconsin
Available acres: 115
Topography: Flat
Zoning: Mixed-use
Setting: Business park
Within city limits: Yes
Transportation: Three miles from I-39/I-90 and has immediate access to state highways 26 and 59, making it only 1.5 hours from Chicago, 30 minutes from Madison, and one hour from Milwaukee.Nearest commercial airport: Dane County Regional Airport (40 miles)
Rail served: Yes – Wisconsin & Southern Railroad
Electric: Alliant Energy
– Ability to dual feed with alternative substation. Service to park is fed by a 24.9 KV transmission line with two twin transformers (50 MVA and 25 MVA).
Gas: Alliant Energy
– Pressure: 60 psi
Infrastructure: Fully improved sites complete with regional storm water detention amenities
Sewer distribution: City of Milton
Water distribution: City of Milton
– Peak capacity at plant per day: 1.4 million gallons
– Pressure: 60 psi
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