Although accidents are relatively rare, damage from digging is the most common cause of underground natural gas leaks.
Three steps you must follow before you dig:
1. Call 811.
811 is the free national phone number that initiates the process of locating and marking the underground utility lines in your yard or at your job. Dial 811 at least three business days before your dig.
2. Wait for the utility lines to be marked.
811 center personnel notify area utilities such as Alliant Energy to mark the approximate locations of buried gas or electric lines with high-visibility safety paint and/or flags. There is no charge for this service.
Locators will not mark privately owned fuel lines, like those running to a garage, pool or fireplace.
3. Respect the marks or flags and dig with care. When you start digging, stay at least 18 inches away from the marked lines. Hand dig with extreme caution in the 18-inch tolerance zone.