Low-cost, no-cost tips

10 things to start doing today

  1. Unplug your second refrigerator or freezer. 
    Many families keep a second fridge to hold extra drinks or to use in the basement during parties. Most of these refrigerators are at least 10 years old and use a lot of energy. If you have a second fridge, retire it or plug it in only when you really need it. Bonus: Iowa Alliant Energy electric customers can have their old working refrigerators picked up and recycled for free. Learn more. 
  2. Wash your laundry in cold water.
    It takes a lot of energy to heat water for laundry. That’s a lot of heat and money washed down the drain. Save by washing laundry with cold water. Look for detergents specifically formulated for cold water. Your clothes will still get as clean as before, for a lower price. 
  3. Replace your home's five most frequently used bulbs with LEDs.
    By replacing your five most frequently used bulbs with LEDs, you could save as much as $75 a year! LEDs are more expensive upfront, but you’ll likely recoup the cost in less than a year because of the energy savings. Make the switch today! 
  4. Use your microwave instead of a conventional oven.
    When reheating food or cooking smaller dishes, use your microwave. You can save up to 50% of your energy usage by using a microwave instead of a conventional electric oven. It’s an easy way to save energy and cooks your food much faster.
  5. Use ceiling fans, but only when you are in the room.
    Ceiling fans help you feel cooler during the summer months. They move the air around you, speeding up the evaporation of moisture on your skin so that you feel cooler. Ceiling fans cool the people in the room, not the air, so be sure to turn them off when you leave the room.
  6. Unplug chargers when not in use.
    Many chargers draw a small amount of electricity even when the device they charge is not plugged in or after the device is fully charged. That adds up over time. Remember to look for chargers all over your home, including those for computers, phones, power tools, shavers, electric toothbrushes and other battery-powered devices.
  7. Set your thermostat up in summer.
    Air conditioners use a lot of power, so every degree warmer you can tolerate in your house will save you energy and money. On average, for every degree you turn up your thermostat, you save about 3% on your energy bills.
  8. Set your thermostat down in winter.
    Two little degrees. That's all it takes to cut your winter heating bill. Throw on an extra layer of clothing, turn down the thermostat and save!
  9. Save on hot water use.
    A few small changes can easily save you 5% on your hot water use. Shorten your showers by a minute or two, and don't let the hot water run when you shave or brush your teeth. When doing laundry, wash your clothes in cold water. In the kitchen, run the water only when rinsing the dishes.
  10. Turn down the thermostat on your water heater.
    The temperature on your water heater may be set higher than necessary. Some manufacturers preset water heaters to 140 degrees. Lowering the temperature by at least 10 degrees can save you up to 5% on your water heating costs. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) suggests users to keep the temperature at 120 degrees.

Ready for more? See the tips throughout the rest of this page.

Savings data source: U.S. Department of Energy

PowerHouse TV

Hosts Pete Seyfer and Megan Turner demonstrate easy do-it-yourself energy improvements, interview local experts and tour energy-smart homes throughout the Midwest.

PowerHouse includes:

How much can you save?


Install LED light bulbs in five of your most-used lighting fixtures.

$75 in savings
per year*

Install an advanced learning thermostat and lower your energy bill by 8-12%.

$130 in savings
per year*

Install weatherstripping and caulk around your window and door frames.

$150 in savings
per year*

Recycle your second refrigerator, freezer or room air conditioner.

$115 in savings
per year*

Wash your clothes in cold water instead of hot water.

$100 in savings
per year*

Set your thermostat back 10 degrees from your normal setting for 8 hours.

$83 in savings
per year*

per year*

Tune up your air conditioner in early spring and your furnace in early fall.

$61 in savings
per year*

* actual savings may vary.

Appliances and amenities

  • Cover your outdoor hot tub when you’re not using it. If you have a pool, use a solar cover to help heat the water. 
  • Go electric the next time you buy a lawn mower. They cost less to operate (about three cents of electricity per use), are about 75% quieter than gas mowers and have significantly reduced emissions.
  • Replace charcoal or propane grills with an electric or natural gas model. They’re inexpensive to operate, don’t generate air pollution and are more convenient. You’ll never run out of fuel!
  • Turn off or unplug unused electrical devices. Many appliances, especially computers, televisions and cable or satellite boxes, use power even when turned off.
  • Buy a smart power strip to automatically power down devices that aren’t in use. Connect your computers, TVs and gaming systems. It will switch them off when you’re not using them, so you’re not wasting energy.
  • Keep humidifiers and dehumidifiers away from walls and bulky furniture. They work best when air circulates freely around them.
  • Use energy-saving features on video gaming systems. Many gaming systems offer energy-saving options. Take a few minutes to find the settings on your system and turn them on.

Work from home comfort

  • Use rugs to keep your feet warm. Is your workspace on a tile or wood floor? You’ll be less tempted to adjust the thermostat if you add a rug. 
  • Don’t use your TV for background noise. If you need something to help you focus, use a radio or a white noise app. These use a lot less energy!
  • Forget the screen saver. Let your computer monitor go to sleep mode or just turn it off.


  • Clean your central air conditioner. Shut off the power, then hose down the outside compressor. Trim any plants around the unit, so there’s at least a foot of space for air to flow. 
  • Give your dehumidifier a break. If it’s humid out, close the windows to save energy by not using the dehumidifier.
  • Use fans. A ceiling fan should spin so that it directs air toward the floor in summer. Moving air makes people feel cooler, so you can turn up your thermostat a couple of degrees. Just be sure to turn off your fans when you leave a room. Fans cool people, not stuff!


Heating and cooling account for more than half the yearly energy use for a typical home. It’s a good place to start when you’re looking for ways to save.

  • Inspect your furnace filter. If it’s dirty, replace it. Dust and dirt make your furnace work harder and less efficiently. Replace your filter once a month. You can buy filters in bulk online and set a reminder on your phone to replace them. 
  • Keep heat registers and returns open if you have a forced-air furnace. Your furnace is designed to heat your entire home, even spaces you don’t use often. Your furnace also moves a specific amount of air, so closing off registers decreases its efficiency. Plus, cold air from unheated rooms can escape, leading to drafts and cold spots.
  • Get a smart thermostat. Lowering your home’s temperature by 10 degrees for eight hours while you sleep could reduce your heating bills by 10%. You can also control your home’s temperature from your smartphone.
  • Vacuum your registers and vents. Move any furniture or drapes that may be covering them so that the air flows freely.
  • Take a free online Home Energy Assessment. You’ll get instant, customized feedback just by answering a few questions.


  • Check the seal on your refrigerator door. Try the dollar bill test: Close your refrigerator door on a dollar bill. If you can pull the bill out easily, replace the gasket. You can find replacement gasket kits online. 
  • Know what you want out of your fridge before you open it. Every time you hold the door open, up to 30% of the cooled air inside escapes. Keep it closed!
  • Keep the fridge full, not stuffed. A full refrigerator runs more efficiently than an empty one, but not if you block its cooling ventilation. So don’t overcrowd it.
  • Use an ENERGY STAR® rated refrigerator. If your refrigerator’s getting old, start researching a replacement. A new ENERGY STAR® unit will use 40% less energy than a 30-year-old refrigerator.
  • Cook with microwaves, toaster ovens and slow-cookers when possible. They use 50% less energy than full-sized electric ovens.
  • Use your oven’s self-cleaning feature right after cooking. You will use less energy by utilizing the heat produced while you were cooking.
  • Use lids on pots and pans. They reduce cooking times and save energy.
  • Run your dishwasher only when you have a full load and use the air-dry cycle. If your dishwasher has a “booster” water heater, use it. It will heat the water to 140 degrees as recommended by manufacturers, while maintaining an energy-saving 120 degrees on your primary water heater.
  • Use the right size burner on your stove. Putting a six-inch pot on an eight-inch burner wastes 40% of that burner’s heat. Always put a small pot on a small burner and a large pot on a large burner.


  • Wash only full loads of laundry. If you’ve got less than a full load, set the correct water level. 
  • Wash with cold water. Use hot water only with heavily soiled loads or if someone in your home is sick. Otherwise, washing in cold water with a cold-water detergent is a good way to save energy.
  • Clean the lint screen on the dryer before every use. A clogged lint screen can reduce dryer efficiency and even pose a fire hazard.
  • Use a clothesline to dry clothes. It’s free and your clothes will smell amazing!
  • Use a high-speed spin option if your washing machine has it. The more water you remove from your clothes in the washing machine, the less work your dryer needs to do.

Water heating

  • Fix leaky faucets. A one-drop-per-second leak adds up to more than 1,000 gallons down the drain in just one year. 
  • Use aerators on kitchen and bathroom sink faucets. Periodically soak aerators and showerheads overnight in vinegar to eliminate mineral deposits and keep them working like new.
  • Lower your water heater temperature. The temperature on your water heater may be set higher than necessary. Some manufacturers preset water heaters to 140 degrees. Lowering the temperature by at least 10 degrees can save you up to 5% on your water heating costs. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) suggests users to keep the temperature at 120 degrees.
  • Insulate hot water pipes. Wrapping hot water pipes keeps the heat in the water and allows you to turn down your water heater temperature.


  • Check window panes. If you discover loose glass, replace the putty holding the pane in place.
  • Replace door sweeps and weatherstripping on doors where drafts are sneaking in. One temporary low-cost option is a rolled-up towel or blanket at the bottom of the door.
  • Seal windows or doors you never use. Use rope caulk to seal the edges. Don’t seal them shut permanently. You might need quick ventilation or escape during an emergency.

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