Nights and Weekends

Time of Use rates for Wisconsin customers

Nights and Weekends

If you use high-wattage appliances like a water heater, air conditioner or electric clothes dryer, you could lower your bill by running those appliances after 7 p.m. on weekdays. You could save even more money if you use those appliances after 11 p.m. on weekdays or anytime during the weekend.

Please note there is an approximate $15 monthly charge that will appear on your bill when enrolled in Nights and Weekends, which is the same as the $15 monthly charge for WPL’s standard rate (Rg-1). On the monthly bill, we’ll list this rate as RG-5 Residential Service.

Peak Nights and Weekends

Peak Nights and Weekends is like Nights and Weekends but better for customers who use most of their energy before 10 a.m. and after 8 p.m. during nonholiday weekdays. This may be a good option if you drive an electric vehicle or use electric space heating.

When you enroll in Peak Nights and Weekends, you’ll receive your energy at a rate lower than the traditional Nights and Weekends rate. However, your bill will include a monthly peak demand charge of $4.90 per kilowatt for the highest hourly energy demand peak that happens between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Friday (all year). That means the single hour of your highest energy demand between those hours in a billing period is charged at $4.90 per kilowatt. 

Example: If you used 3 kilowatts in a single hour between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. and that was the largest energy demand in your billing cycle, you would be charged $14.70 for that month for the peak demand charge. 

There is no monthly peak demand charge for energy used after 8 p.m. and before 10 a.m. or on the weekends. Please note there is an approximately $10 monthly charge when enrolled in Peak Nights and Weekends, compared to the $15 monthly charge for WPL’s standard rate (Rg-1). This program will appear on your bill as RD-1 Residential Demand Service. See an example of how a bill would look..pdf

Who is eligible to participate in Nights and Weekends and Peak Nights and Weekends?

  • Residential customers in Wisconsin who receive electricity from Alliant Energy.
  • Customers not enrolled in Fixed Amount Bill.  

Rates comparison chart

Nights and Weekends chart

* Holidays are New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Rates have been rounded to the nearest cent for simplicity. Comparisons are on the full five-digit rate.

Ready to get started?

Use our rate calculator below to compare programs and enroll.

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