Your peak demand is the point during your monthly billing cycle when you use the most energy. It's the highest spike in your energy use. Your peak changes from month to month depending on how you use your energy.
The option looks at your highest peak demand during on-peak hours. You will see a demand charge and an energy charge on your bill. Demand charge is the peak demand multiplied by the demand rate. The energy charge is the kilowatt-hours (kWh) used during the billing month multiplied by the rate per kWh. If you can shift usage to off-peak hours, your average cost may be lower.
Demand hours
On-peak hours are between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. All other hours and holidays are off-peak.
Mon-Fri |
Midnight-7 a.m.
(Lowest rate) |
7 a.m.-8 p.m.
(Highest rate) |
8 p.m.-midnight
(Lowest rate) |
Sat, Sun, holidays |
All day
(Lowest rate) |
Energy hours
We’ll bill the electricity you use from 2-7 p.m. on weekdays in June, July and August at a higher on-peak rate, excluding Independence Day.
We’ll charge a lower off-peak rate all other times on those days, as well as on weekends and in the months of September through May.
June-Aug. weekday |
Midnight-2 p.m.
(Lowest rate) |
2-7 p.m.
(Highest rate) |
7 p.m-midnight
(Lowest rate) |
June-Aug. weekend/holiday |
All day
(Lowest rate) |
Sep.-May |
All day
(Lowest rate) |
On your bill, we’ll list this rate as 707 - Electric Non-Residential TOD.
Check out this short video that explains your peak demand.