Need help paying your bill in Wisconsin?

There are options to help.

WHEAP/LIHEAP and crisis funding

The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) offers funds to help qualified households with heating and electric bills. WHEAP includes the federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

Crisis funds: Additional funds may be available for households facing financial hardship, even if you’ve received WHEAP assistance.

Find the latest WHEAP and crisis funding information.

Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund

In addition to WHEAP, you may qualify for the for the Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund (KWW/CF). You can apply for both WHEAP and KWW/CF. More details and the online application are available on the KWW/CF website. You can also call 211 or apply online at if you live in these counties [PDF].

Arrears Management program

Through this program, we'll automatically forgive 25% of your past-due balance. Every time you make an on-time monthly payment, we'll forgive another portion of your balance. By making consistent on-time payments, you can pay off your balance in 12 months. Eligible past due WHEAP-approved customers are automatically enrolled in the Arrears Management Program.

Manage your bill through My Account

Our online portal allows you to:

Sign in or sign up at

Find the best rates and billing plan for you

We offer various rate plans and billing options to fit your needs.

Hometown Care Energy Fund

This assistance program helps income-qualified households pay their energy bills. Hometown Care Energy Fund is supported by Alliant Energy, community partners and customers. Energy Services Inc. distributes financial help to qualifying customer accounts as funding is available.

Learn more