Understanding your Iowa bill and rates

At Alliant Energy, we work hard to manage our costs and provide you with the tools necessary to budget for future energy costs. Your energy bill is made up of several components. Some, like base rates and the basic service charge, are set by the Iowa Utilities Commission and may stay the same for several years.

Other components change annually, or even monthly, based upon the actual costs of providing you with these services. The weather is the biggest factor in how your bill may fluctuate from month to month.

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Understanding your electric bill

Gas cost in Iowa

Understanding your gas bill

Residential rate options
Compare rate options and choose the one that works best for you.
See the options
Time of Day Pricing for Businesses
Your business can save by using electricity during lower-priced time periods.
Learn more
Get average energy use for a property
Get an estimate of energy costs for a property based on the past year’s usage.
Use the tool
Rate and tariff sheets
Official rate and tariff documents filed with regulatory agencies.
About your smart meter
Smart meters detect outages faster and help provide you with better service.
More about your meter
Iowa Utilities Commission

Iowa rate review

In October 2023, we filed a rate review with the Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC). The request proposed to increase Iowa customers’ electric and natural gas rates. We are proud to deliver safe and reliable service, 24/7 and 365 days a year. This filing reflects our ongoing commitment to delivering reliable, resilient and secure energy to our customers and the communities we serve in Iowa.

Since filing the request, we engaged with intervening parties and reached a partial settlement, which was submitted to the IUC for consideration in June 2024. The IUC issued an order to approve the settlement in September 2024.

New rates were implemented in October 2024.

Rate review impact on your bill

The overall impact on your bill will vary, depending on the actual energy you use. The estimated average monthly bill impact is based on projections and may be impacted by other factors, such as fuel costs and weather.

Design changes simplify how the bill looks. Some line items on the bill have changed to give customers more flexibility and control over how they manage their energy use.

Rate review impact details by customer type

Iowa energy cost outlook webinars

We offer specialized biannual webinars to our communities and our commercial and industrial customers. The most recent webinars are posted below.

Community Energy Cost Outlook Webinar (Video)
December 2024

Commercial and Industrial Customer Energy Cost Outlook Webinar (Video)
December 2024

Click to expand the links below for more information:

This information was last updated in December 2024.

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