You’ll love the Landlord Portal! Find it in My Account.

In the Landlord Portal, you can:

  • View all properties listed in your landlord agreement.
  • See if service is listed in your name or a tenant’s.
  • Check if meters are on or off.
  • Process payments for multiple properties at one time.
  • Choose which properties will have service automatically revert to your name between tenants.

Get started now!

To access the Landlord Portal, you’ll need two things: A Landlord Property Agreement and My Account.

i need a landlord property agreement


Need both My Account and a Landlord Property Agreement? Start with a Landlord Property Agreement.

Use a desktop to access the Landlord Portal. It is not available through the Alliant Energy app.

Get started in the Landlord Portal

See what you can do in each Landlord Portal module.

My Profile

landlord portal screenshot 


landlord portal screenshot


landlord portal screenshot

Revert to owner (RTO) Setting: How it works 

Some landlords prefer to have service revert to their name between tenants.

When you create a Landlord Property Agreement, all properties in the agreement will revert to your name by default.

You can update this setting in the Landlord Portal or by contacting Alliant Energy.

Landlord Portal FAQ

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