Stay safe and manage your bill this winter

As temperatures drop, your heating equipment works harder to keep you comfortable. It can take a lot of energy. Whether you heat your home with natural gas, electricity or another fuel, your energy use is likely to go up. We've got energy saving ideas to help.

Reduce energy use in the winter with these helpful tips.

house cutout with sunshine
Let in the sunshine.
Open the shades and let the sun’s rays warm rooms during the day. Close the shades at night to keep heat in.
smart thermostat
Turn down your thermostat.
Set it to 68 degrees when you're home and awake. Keep it as low as possible to sleep comfortably at night. Lower it 10 degrees when you’re not home. (But don’t go lower than 55 degrees to keep pipes from freezing.) Smart thermostats take out the guesswork!
man applying caulk to window
Seal windows and doors. 
Weather stripping and caulking keep heat from escaping. Talk to a contractor if you need help.
man inspecting furnace
Get a furnace tuneup. 
Keep your furnace clean, safe and properly tuned up to reduce energy use.
Keep dampers shut.
Woodburning fireplaces actually pull heated air out of the house. When not in use, keep the damper closed. Make sure there are no smoldering embers first. 
Find more weatherizing tips on PowerHouse TV

Monitor and manage your heating bill through My Account

One of the best ways to manage your energy use is through My Account. With My Account, you can:

See your usage, down to the hour.

Set up high usage alerts.

Pay your bill or set up a payment arrangement.

Spread out a high bill over several months with Budget Billing.

Use My Home to better understand your energy use and compare it to similar homes.

Log in or enroll in My Account
happy couple looking at laptop

Save energy with Smart Hours

On very cold days, demand for energy can spike and make power more expensive for everyone who needs it. Enrolling your qualified smart thermostat in Alliant Energy® Smart Hours helps manage the demand for energy during peak hours.

We’ll automatically connect to your thermostat to reduce your energy use during times of high demand. We’ll notify you in advance of the Smart Hours event, and you’re always in control; you can opt out at any time. Plus you’ll earn rewards just for participating!

Learn more about Smart Hours for your state:



person setting thermostat

Get help paying your heating bills

Higher energy use in winter can impact your family or business. If you’re struggling financially, there are resources to help pay your heating costs.

Learn more about energy assistance options in your state:



mom tucking in daughter

How to weather winter storms

Staying safe during extreme weather is important. Here are a few ways you can weather winter storms.

Assemble a storm safety kit.

Make sure your cellphone is fully charged.

Don’t use your oven or grill to warm your home.

Stay away from low or downed powerlines.

If possible, stay off the roads to keep them clear for first responders and restoration workers.

More storm safety tips
girl in front of window with hot cocoa

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