Fond du Lac Community Solar - Bill credit estimates
An average residential Fond du Lac electric customer uses 7,609 kilowatts of electricity each year.
Below are several estimates of how community solar could offset an average home’s electricity costs.
25% usage | 50% usage | 100% usage |
4 solar blocks
8 solar blocks | 17 solar blocks |
$1,525 upfront fees" | $3,025 upfront fees* | $6,400 upfront fees |
$108 estimated annual bill credit | $217 estimated annual bill credit | $461 estimated annual bill credit |
$2,070 estimated 20-year bill credit ** | $4,140 estimated 20-year bill credit** | $8,797 estimated 20-year bill credit** |
*Includes administration and subscription fees.
**Amount includes degradation over the 20-year program.
All figures are estimated and may vary.
Use this calculator to determine the number of 250-watt solar energy producing blocks you need. You can purchase a subscription for up to 100% of your energy use. This opportunity won't be available once all the blocks are sold.