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Commercial buildings are becoming more energy efficient

Commercial buildings use a lot of energy, about 12% of total U.S. energy consumption, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). However, commercial buildings overall are becoming more efficient.

The DOE began tracking commercial building energy use in 1979 with its first Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey. At that time, the average annual energy use intensity for commercial buildings was 115 thousand British thermal units (kBtu) per square foot of building space. That number has gradually decreased over time, as subsequent surveys have noted. In the most recent 2018 survey (released in 2022), average building energy use had fallen to 71 kBtu per square foot, a reduction of 38% since 1979.

chart showing decreasing energy use over time

This drop in energy use is good news for building owners and operators – and the environment. Building owners and operators are spending less on their energy bills, and less energy use means lower emissions, which is good for the planet.

Improving the energy efficiency of your building
Is your building part of this energy efficiency trend? If not, maybe it's time to take steps to reduce energy use. You'll reduce operating costs, improve comfort and demonstrate your organization's commitment to sustainability.

A great way to start is by comparing your energy use to similar buildings. That's where ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager™ comes in. This is a no-cost online tool offered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). After answering some simple questions about your building and energy use, you'll receive an energy performance score that will tell you where your building stands. It will also give you a starting point to explore and prioritize energy-saving opportunities.

Though every building is different, here are some of the most effective ways to improve energy efficiency:

  • Get an audit of your facility. Professional audits help you understand how your business uses energy and identify areas of improvement. Alliant Energy offers free audits to help you save money. Many audits result in finding where a business qualifies for significant rebates on new equipment that will lead to annual energy savings.
  • Weatherize your building envelope. Make sure your windows and doors are properly sealed. Hire an insulation contractor to ensure your building is well insulated according to the minimum recommended levels for your climate zone.
  • Take control. Install and implement building system controls to reduce energy use based on occupancy or your operating schedule.
  • Upgrade your lighting. LEDs are more efficient and last longer than conventional lighting technologies, and there are a variety of replacement options available. Get instant discounts on qualified LED lights when you purchase from distributers participating in Alliant Energy’s midstream rebate program.

Long-term savings requires planning
A successful energy management plan can help your organization fully realize the benefits of improved energy efficiency over time. We offer a strategic energy management program with our partners at Michaels Energy. This hands-on educational program is designed for large commercial and industrial customers to engage in a six-month ongoing training to help create a holistic energy plan for their facilities. Benefits of taking part include:

  1. Energy management education. Align your business’s energy plans with organization-wide goals. Discover how to secure budget, buy-in and operational efficiencies for new projects and processes related to using energy efficiently.

  2. Sustainability goal alignment. Create your unique energy management plan and focus on areas most meaningful to your business, like energy savings, water management or carbon dioxide reduction.

  3. Support and guidance. Your business will have access to technical support and guidance on projects, prioritization and ongoing engagement from energy management experts.

  4. Continuous improvement. Find ongoing ways to save from existing infrastructure and new and upcoming projects.

Are you ready to start your energy-saving journey? Access Energy Analytics, only available through My Account. To learn more about strategic energy management, reach out to your key account manager or call 1-866-ALLIANT (866-255-4268).

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