Charge up your business


With more than 3 million electric vehicles (EVs) on U.S. roads and more than 26 million projected by 2030, the demand for EV charging infrastructure is growing.

Install EV charging stations at your business and:

  • Increase foot traffic and customer loyalty from EV drivers.
  • Enhance your employee experience.
  • Position yourself as a forward-thinking green leader.
  • Build your brand as socially and economically conscious.

Are you interested in installing an EV charging station at your business or in your community?

Check out our step-by-step guide to get started.

Find out more about hosting public charging stations. 


Attract loyal EV residents

The electric vehicle (EV) market continues to grow at an accelerated rate. As the number of EVs on U.S. roads increase, so does the demand for electric vehicle charging stations.

By installing Level 2 EV charging stations at your multifamily housing properties, such as condos and apartments, you can attract residents who drive EVs. This is a unique approach to attract residents and promote a sustainable community.

Are you interested in installing an EV charging station at your property?

Check out our step-by-step guide to get started.


Transition your fleet to electric and save

When it’s time to replace your fleet, consider going electric.

Among other benefits, an electric fleet can give you a competitive advantage over businesses that use traditional gas or diesel.

  • Lower operating costs. Electric fleet vehicles typically cost less to fuel, maintain and operate than gas or diesel vehicles.
  • Enhance productivity and competitiveness. Electric fleet vehicles have fewer moving parts and require less maintenance. That means less down time and fewer replacement costs.
  • Reduce carbon footprint. With little to no tailpipe emissions, an electric fleet creates a cleaner work environment and helps meet sustainability goals. Electric fleets reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector as the electric sector continues to do the same with advances in renewable energy and battery storage. Check out our Clean Energy Blueprint to see how we're working toward a cleaner energy future.

Whether you need light-, medium- or heavy-duty vehicles, electric may be the best option for your business.

Contact the Electrification team with questions.

Are you interested in installing an EV charging station at your business or in your community?

Check out our step-by-step guide to get started.

Other technologies 

Boost your bottom line

Lower fuel costs and decreased emissions are within reach with current and emerging electric technologies. They're more cost effective and eco-friendly than their gasoline, diesel or propane counterparts.

Consider additional electric technologies that could boost your bottom line.

Electric forklifts

Electric-powered forklifts have proven performance and create a cleaner workplace. They're more economical and powerful than ever before.

Transitioning to electric forklifts can:

  • Reduce fuel and maintenance costs.
  • Create a quieter, cleaner, safer and healthier workplace.
  • Produce less vibration and operator fatigue.
  • Help meet corporate sustainability goals.

Electric truck refrigeration units

Electric onboard truck refrigeration units (TRUs) can plug into the power grid rather than rely solely on an idling diesel engine.

They allow you to preserve products and control the trailer temperature with electricity. 

Electric truck refrigeration creates:

  • A quieter and more comfortable work environment.
  • A cleaner and healthier workplace.
  • Lower maintenance costs.
  • Lower and more stable fuel consumption costs.
  • A better overall environmental profile.

Compare the costs of operating truck refrigeration units based on fuel type. 

Ask us about other electric technology for your business.

Additional options could fit your needs.

Contact us today!

Get up to speed on EVs
Why consider an EV? Start your education here.
dog in an EV
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Find an EV for the whole family
There are dozens of affordable EV models available today. They range from sedans to minivans to pickup trucks.
girl next to an EV
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Make your community an EV destination
EV adoption in your community can help achieve cost saving, environmental and economic development goals.
People near an electric vehicle
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